Tuesday, 19 April 2011

The house always wins

The meaning of the phrase.

This is a common phrase in the gambling circles that refers to the high unlikelihood of the house loosing. This thus means that players should never try to play against the house as the eventuality is predetermined.

Why doesn’t the house loose?

A study of the running of a casino revealed that in placing bets against the house, players were at a great disadvantage since the odds were heavily staked in favor of the house. On the other hand, even if players are to win, the sums are usually so low that the house stands to lose nothing. This is because the house usually has mechanisms that stifle payouts to avoid making big losses in the bets. Also, a study of the online gambling activities, it was revealed that some unscrupulous dealers make use of cheating softwares that may change the outcomes the the available bids.

Is it safe to bet?

In as much as the odds are greatly in favour of the house, players should not despair in their quest to make money by gambling. Gambling is usually a chance game with luck playing a major role on who wins and who loses. There are currently set up rules and regulations that pertain to gambling activities on top gambling monitoring authorities such as the American gaming board. On the other hand, due to the emergence of online gambling has a lot of competition within the sector thus forcing “houses" such as casinos to offer the players  bonuses in order to entice then into coming back to wager some more. The latest no deposit casinos, have in store some great bonuses and other incentives that will keep you coming back.


Over the years, research carried out by various bodies have revealed that the gambling process is not entirely open and fair as many try to make us believe. For this reason, the authorities have taken a keen interest into the gambling activities to ensure that there is fair play on both dealers and players end. Also, the fact that gambling was initially illegal, it remained unsupervised and thus susceptible to all sorts of evil practices. However, by the legalization of gambling activities, it has opened up the whole process to scrutiny and those found breaching the set pieces of legislation face stiff penalties and jail terms.


Looking at the coming in of legal aid to streamline the gambling  sector seems to be bearing fruits as numerous fraudulent dealers have been caught and arraigned in courts in the past couple of months but this does not necessarily mean that the vices of old have entirely been eliminated. There are still hundreds of ways that the pros can use to circumvent the set system rules. As a consequence the old adage o the “house” always wins still holds true and as such players should never attempt going head to head with the house, unless of course they are on a suicide mission.

1 comment:

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